Bloom & Rose

We want to take you on a little journey to introduce you to our newest alchemies, Bloom and Rose. They are full of high frequency beautiful floral scents, so much love to give, and are gorgeous. What do you need to love yourself fully? We can get into a habit of caring only for others and putting ourselves very last, or not at all. This full moon in the Aquarius season is met with the moon in Leo which shows us strength, compassion, leadership and above all else, love, not just to others but to ourselves.

We have two essential oils in our Bloom alchemy including rose essential oil and hibiscus essential oil, we charge this alchemy with rose quartz which adds loving energy to relationships and brings calmness and peace. Rose quartz promotes the feeling of self-love, joy, trust and emotional healing. This is the stone of both giving and receiving love. Rose quartz is believed to bring deep healing to the heart by opening the heart chakra. This is one of the biggest reasons we chose this stone to charge our Bloom alchemy.

This Full Moon in Leo is definitely a unique one! In the dead of winter, this full moon in Leo is an absolute gift of passion and light. Leo is a fire sign, it gives light and warmth to everything it shines down on, much like the summer sun. Leo season is a direct reflection of bold confidence, and being completely unapologetic in that. This specific full moon can help us if we take advantage of its energy, to recognize and reject the things and people that dim our light. Ask yourself these questions…”What do I love?” and “What do I want to add into my environment?”. The Leo full moon is your chance to discover yourself and ask yourself, “what illuminates me?” And DO that without fear of rejection or failure.

Our rose spray is made with such love and intention. With the high frequency of rose it’s ideal for spritzing throughout the day to raise your vibrations and mood. This is a great spray for after makeup applications to set your makeup and rejuvenate your soul simultaneously.

This Leo full moon teaches us to love ourselves fully and let us express that illumination to light our environment and those in it. This full moon, is closely tied with our heart chakra. Take the time on this full moon, to hone in to your heart. What have you desired but are not asking for? Ask yourself “what do I truly want?” What do you need to love yourself unapologetically? This full moon in Leo is paired in Aquarius season that produces understanding, guidance, power and above all else, unfiltered love. Self care, self acceptance, and self love, is of the utmost importance during this full moon.

During this season, caring for our heart and our heart chakra is essential. Aquarius season teaches us about vibrations and the energy that everything is made of and effected by. The heart itself is the powerhouse of all frequencies and what a better time than now to incorporate one of the highest frequencies tangible to man, rose, in a very beautiful blended oil that includes hibiscus, which unblocks the sacral and root chakras so not only are you going to be more open to loving yourself during this time with the power of rose, but you’re going to be more open to your sensual side, sexuality and passion, with hibiscus oil. Hibiscus aids in relationships with your partner and rose enhances your relationship with yourself. Rose is a heart activator and it works to balance and connect and uplift our emotions so we are in tune with ourselves and connecting with others.

If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete
— Buddha


Rose Quartz- Nurturing and harmonious love. Rose quartz adds loving energy to relationships and brings calmness and peace. Rose quartz promotes the feeling of self-love, trust and emotional healing. It has a very soft, and giving energy. Rose quartz helps us to realize where we do have love in our lives rather than focusing on where it is lacking.

Rose- Roses vibrate higher than any other flower, plant or herb. Roses have a vibrational frequency of an astounding 320 MHz. Every cell in your body is affected by the emotional vibrational frequency that you manifest. As humans, our healthiest frequency is at about 62-68 MHz.

Hibiscus- One of the most powerful anti-aging plant actives; it's no wonder Hibiscus is called the botox plant. Hibiscus oil has the ability to increase skin elasticity to give a stunning natural youth-boost. It is high in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory effects and can help to soothe inflamed skin, making hibiscus suitable for those prone to very sensitive skin. Hibiscus has been shows to purify the skin resulting in less breakouts and more evenly toned skin, and helps to increase cell turnover.

Shop our collection February 6th at 10:00 a.m MST. Bloom is a small batch limited drop, and Rose will be available indefinitely.


Full Moon Virgo in Pisces


The Big Three