
Simplicity - Beauty - Reflection

Taurus season can be one of the most healing times of the year. it’s about stillness and simplicity. This time is about looking back about how far you have come and just bask in how you have grown. Taurus energy is all about working hard and playing hard but right now it teaches us to relax and discover the love for yourself by enjoying the simple pleasures of life. This alchemy is all about self indulgence so we created this oil specifically as a bath ritual oil. This energy is the new moon so it lets us manifest what we want to bring into our lives. Add this oil to your bath and do a manifesting ritual for all the things to come but feel gratitude for what you have created already. Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus which rules over love and beauty. Aphrodite is the goddess of love, beauty and creation, she is strongly associated with the planet Venus. Since this is an earth element sign this month is strongly associated with creation around us, stability and staying grounded, this energy helps us stay true to ourselves. Really sit with your thoughts this time and look back on how much you have created in your life, be grateful for what you have and what Mother Earth gives to us. This energy is of divine feminine, when we look to that energy and harness its powers a lot of it is based around creation and the energy that binds us all together. This is such a beautiful and powerful oil for harnessing that strength. 

Aphrodite is the goddess of love, beauty and creation, she is strongly associated with the planet Venus. Since this is an earth element sign this month is strongly associated with creation around us, stability and staying grounded, this energy helps us stay true to ourselves. Really sit with your thoughts this time and look back on how much you have created in your life, be grateful for what you have and what Mother Earth gives to us. This energy is of divine feminine, when we look to that energy and harness its powers a lot of it is based around creation and the energy that binds us all together. This is such a beautiful and powerful oil for harnessing that strength. 

When choosing a stone we wanted to pair with Aphrodite we were drawn to the soft pink glow of Pink Halite, which is a stone of cleansing energies and auras. It’s primarily made up of salt and is perfect for sitting next to you during your bath ritual or even using as a bath bomb, be careful if you don’t want it to disintegrate though because water will make it melt before your eyes. This is why we decided to create for you a Pink Halite inspired salt soak for you to enjoy with your bath rituals! Infused with all of the beautiful properties of Aphrodite herself and the Pink Halite and Selenite stones.

If you suffer from a foggy mind or have troubles with mental energy it’s a great stone to carry with you. Pink halite is the stone of clarity and helps one make decisions and assists in providing assistance in uplifting energy. Pink halite is a heart opener and helps us deal with all of the emotional strain that we may have trapped deep down and allows it to surface so we can deal with it property. Pink halite assists us in finding joy and abundance where our life has it currently even in difficult times.

Selenite is another stone we have paired with this alchemy and pink Halite, it will assist in cleansing the energy and doesn’t absorb any negativity, so it helps us to keep our heart space open. When cleansing auras negativity can be found in stones that are vulnerable and selenite doesn’t allow negativity to harbor there. 

Pink halite helps you tap into your divine feminine and love every part of who you are. It’s a perfect stone for one to carry who have emotional burdens like anxiety and low self esteem because it boosts your self guilt and cleanses those feelings of self doubt. 

The notes of this gorgeous alchemy include:

Violet- beauty, delicacy and vibrancy.

Red raspberries- feminine energy from maiden to motherhood and all things in between and beyond. 

Tea rose- calming and used to alleviate depression from shock and grief. 

Jasmine- love, spirituality, divine feminine energy compassion and prosperity. 

Peonies- love, honor, romance, beauty, happiness and wealth.

This full fragrance oil screams divine feminine and is a sweet smelling floral, sultry, feminine scent, finished with notes of vanilla and musk as well as clear quartz chips in every bottle for extra amplification of all the moon and crystal energy. We hope you love Aphrodite as much as we do.


Peace on Earth

