Peace on Earth

While creating this holiday blend for Thrive Family Wellness we wanted to keep in mind the intention of slowing down, being present and the coziness of the season. We created this gorgeous burgundy blend with Blood Orange, Allspice, Cinnamon, Roman chamomile and Benzoin resin. This oil is great for relaxation, dream work and bathing rituals. Peace on Earth has a very slight warming effect as it absorbs into the skin, which we think is very lovely!

Peace on Earth creates harmony, nostalgia and  warmth. This Gemini full moon encourages us to focus on details, create memories with people, intentionally and form stronger bonds together. It’s a very social sign so create a space this season where you’re inviting people in and creating that warm and loving space for yourself and others to bond over food, gifts and new and old traditions.

This alchemy is a perfect one to practice gratitude. Bathe, meditate and journal with this blend during your practices and watch your inner light grow. One of our favorite ways to use Peace on Earth is during a Trataka meditation.

Trataka meditation is the practice of using a flame while mediating by gazing deeply into a flame for a couple minutes in order to produce tears to be able to gain increased clarity.

The practice of Trataka Meditation has been associated with a number of benefits, including enhanced concentration, stress reduction, reduced anxiety, increased focus, reduces anger and sharpens eyesight.

Trataka Protocol

First choose a candle intentionally, choose a color for your intention like yellow for abundance, or white for purity, just to name a few.

Get comfortable and cleanse your area and aura with Palo santo spray, sage or any other cleansers. Next, anoint your body with an intentional oil (Peace on Earth, obviously). Rubbing your hands together and touching your chakra points with it and taking in a few deep breaths of the scent while getting comfortable.

Light your candle and make sure your candle is at eye level so you can focus in on the flame while trying not to blink. Watch the flame dance and move and focus in on the colors.

Do this for about a minute and close your eyes and focus on the flame in your mind and watch it until it disappears. Repeat the whole process again.

If any thoughts come up try and just let them flow into other thoughts while focusing in on the flame.

Finish your practice after about 5-7 min while your future sessions you will work up to 15 minutes.

The prolonged gazing into a flame with focus that Trataka teaches is great for people who struggle to control their minds from wandering, and short attention spans. This practice is great for increasing focus and helps fade our distractions and invasive thoughts.

  • Blood Orange -love, fertility, success, prosperity, and friendship.

  • Roman Chamomile - may inspire confidence and open the heart to expressing love and compassion. It can also be used for dream work.

  • Allspice - courage and strength in the face of adversity. It is also a very protective. It is an herb that will "light a fire within.”

  • Cinnamon - enhances the intent of use. Helps us to feel positive, optimistic and grateful.

  • Vanilla - Calming, comforting and reduce anxiety.

  • Benzoin Resin - has an uplifting, warm scent that reminds many people of vanilla. Fans of this sacred resin burn it to clear negative energy.

  • Bloodstone - Calms the mind, stone of motivation, alleviates confusion.

  • Apricot Kernel Oil - Extremely hydrating carrier oil.

*Has a slight warming effect when applied, so if you have extremely sensitive skin use as a luxury bath oil.

This Gemini full moon encourages us to focus on details, intentionally create memories with friends, and form stronger bonds together. It’s a very social sign so create a space this season where you’re inviting people in and housing that warm and loving space for yourself and others to bond over food, stories and new and old traditions. 

Peace on Earth is the oil of stories, and air is the element that envelopes this bottle. When communication, truth and knowledge come together they form the axis of the mind. Working with all of these energies you can take a look into how your mind works. Take a dropper full of this intoxicating oil, add it to your bath water, and write down words as they flow freely out of your mind and onto paper. This is the perfect time to understand how you think and how you relate to information. We hope you can enjoy our alchemy of memories, journaling and gratitude and leaning into the peace of this holiday season.



