
Embracing the Magic of Coven – A Journey of Release, Renewal, and Empowerment.

In the heart of every soul’s journey, there comes a time when the need to release, renew, and rise becomes undeniable. This is the essence of Coven, an alchemy inspired by the transformative energy of the Harvest Moon in Pisces—a time of deep emotional release and profound renewal. As the changing seasons remind us to shed what no longer serves, the power of a coven (whether in ritual or embodied in this oil) serves as the foundation of transformation and healing.

But what is a coven? And why does its energy resonate so strongly with our need for support and growth?

A Coven is more than just a gathering of people; it’s a sacred circle of trust, intention, and shared energy. In a coven, each individual is supported in their unique journey, whether it’s healing past wounds, manifesting new beginnings, or simply finding the strength to move forward. The power of a coven lies in its ability to amplify intention—through shared wisdom, rituals, and community. Each person’s energy strengthens the whole, creating a powerful space for transformation.

This is why Coven was born—to capture this magic and deliver it to you in every drop. It is crafted to help you let go of what no longer serves, to cultivate renewal, and to empower you to move forward with clarity and resilience.

The Magic of Coven —

At the heart of Coven lies a carefully selected blend of ingredients, each chosen for its deep metaphysical properties.

Labradorite - a stone of protection, is known for shielding against negative energies and helping you tap into your own inner strength. It opens the pathways for intuition, making it an ideal companion for emotional release and spiritual growth.


- Apples - symbolize trust, self-care, and abundance, reminding you to embrace your harvest, both literally and metaphorically. They bring the energy of gratitude and self-reflection, vital during times of change.

- Honey - brings the sweetness of community, prosperity, and diligent work. It symbolizes fertility and creativity, encouraging growth in all aspects of life.

- Lemon Balm - embodies healing, calm, and clarity, helping to soothe the spirit as you navigate the waves of release and renewal.

Together, these ingredients create a potent alchemy, designed to bring you the same strength and empowerment that a real coven offers its members. This oil is charged with Labradorite to enhance its transformative and protective properties, making it a perfect tool for meditation, rituals, or daily use when you need to feel supported and grounded.


A Personal Story: The Power of Coven

I still remember the first time I truly understood the power of a coven. It was during a retreat in Nicaragua, at a particularly difficult time in my life. I had been struggling with a series of personal setbacks—some involving relationships, others involving deep-rooted fears and anxieties I had long tried to suppress. I felt isolated and unsure of how to move forward, and it seemed that no amount of self-help books or solo rituals could help me break through the emotional walls I had built around myself.

I still remember the first time I truly understood the power of a coven. It was during a retreat in Nicaragua, at a particularly difficult time in my life. I had been struggling with a series of personal setbacks—some involving relationships, others involving deep-rooted fears and anxieties I had long tried to suppress. I felt isolated and unsure of how to move forward, and it seemed that no amount of self-help books or solo rituals could help me break through the emotional walls I had built around myself.

Throughout the retreat, I had been anticipating the full moon circle. It had been planned from the beginning, and I knew it was going to happen—there was something about the idea of gathering on the beach, around a fire, releasing our fears, that I felt would hold the key to releasing the weight I had been carrying. I counted down the days, hoping that the ritual would give me the clarity and strength I so desperately needed.

When the evening of the full moon arrived, and we gathered on the beach around the fire, the energy was unlike anything I had ever experienced. It wasn’t just the rituals, the fire, the waves, it was the sense of belonging, the realization that each of us was there to uplift and support one another. As we shared our stories and set our intentions, I felt the walls around my heart begin to soften. By the end of the night, I had released tears I hadn’t even realized I was holding back, and for the first time in months, I felt lighter—like a weight had been lifted.

This is the energy I wanted to capture in Coven. The feeling that, even in your darkest moments, you are not alone. The understanding that your struggles, no matter how heavy, are meant to be shared, held, and transformed with the support of others—whether it’s a circle of friends or through ritual work.

Why You Need Coven in Your Life

Coven is more than just a fragrance or an oil for ritual. It’s a reminder that you are part of something greater—a network of energies and intentions that can help you grow and heal. Just as a coven provides collective strength, Coven Oil offers you the tools to release past pains, invite renewal, and embrace empowerment.

Healing, growth, and transformation are not solitary acts. Sometimes, you need a reminder of your strength, a connection to the magic within you, and the energy to move forward.

Whether you use Coven during meditation, anoint yourself before a ritual, or keep it close during times of stress, Coven Oil is here to help you release what no longer serves, renew your spirit, and step into your power.

We charged Coven under the full moon in Pisces.

It’s a powerful time for introspection, emotional healing, and spiritual growth. Here’s what this moon phase generally represents;

1. Emotional Depth and Intuition:

   - Pisces is a water sign ruled by Neptune, associated with deep emotions, intuition, and dreams. The full moon in Pisces heightens our emotional awareness and psychic abilities, making it a potent time for inner reflection and connecting with our deeper selves.

2. Healing and Release:

   - This full moon encourages letting go of past wounds and emotional baggage. It’s an ideal time to focus on healing, forgiveness, and releasing what no longer serves us, creating space for new growth and transformation.

3. Spiritual Connection:

   - Pisces’ energy is deeply spiritual, making this full moon a great opportunity for meditation, spiritual practices, and connecting with higher realms. It supports practices that help us align with our spiritual path and connect with our higher selves.

4. Creativity and Imagination:

   - Pisces is known for its creativity and imagination. This full moon enhances our creative flow, making it an excellent time for artistic endeavors, imaginative projects, and exploring new ideas.

5. Compassion and Empathy:

   - The full moon in Pisces fosters a sense of compassion and empathy towards ourselves and others. It encourages us to open our hearts, offer support, and deepen our connections with those around us.

6. Harvest Moon Specifics:

   - As the Harvest Moon is the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox, it represents a time of reaping the rewards of our efforts throughout the year. Combined with Pisces, this Harvest Moon emphasizes the emotional and spiritual harvest—reflecting on what we’ve learned, the growth we’ve achieved, and the emotional insights gained.

Overall, the full moon in Pisces during the Harvest Moon invites us to embrace our emotions, heal, and connect with our deeper spiritual selves while celebrating the abundance and insights we’ve accumulated over the past year.

In each bottle we included an evil eye for added protection.

The "evil eye" is a symbol believed to protect against harm caused by envy or malevolent glances. Common in various cultures, it often involves wearing amulets, like the blue eye or Nazar, to ward off negative energy.

In the realm of energy healing and the chakra system, the color green is associated with the heart chakra (Anahata), which governs love, compassion, and emotional balance. It is considered a healing color that brings calm, harmony, and restoration, making it beneficial for emotional and physical well-being.

Ritual ideas for Coven

Release and Renewal Ritual:

   - Purpose: To let go of past burdens and embrace new beginnings.

   - How to Use: Apply Coven to your Chakra points and meditate on what you wish to release. Write down old patterns or emotions on paper, then burn or bury it, symbolizing release. Follow with affirmations of renewal and self-empowerment.

2. Harvest Moon Meditation:

   - Purpose: To connect with the energy of the Harvest Moon and celebrate your achievements.

   - How to Use: Before meditating, anoint your third eye and heart chakra with Coven. Sit under the moonlight, focusing on your breath and visualizing the moon’s light filling you with gratitude and abundance. Reflect on your year’s harvest and set intentions for the future.

3. Abundance Manifestation:

   - Purpose: To attract prosperity and enhance manifestations.

   - How to Use: Anoint a green candle with Coven, focusing on your intention for abundance. Light the candle during a new moon or full moon, visualizing your goals coming to fruition. As the candle burns, meditate on your intentions and feel the energy of abundance flowing to you.

4. Self-Care Ritual:

   - Purpose: To promote self-love and rejuvenation.

   - How to Use: Add a few drops of Coven to your bath or use it in a massage blend. As you relax, focus on the sensations of the oil, allowing it to nourish your body and spirit. Use this time for self-reflection and to set intentions for personal growth.

5. Community Connection Ceremony:

   - Purpose: To strengthen bonds and support within your community or circle.

   - How to Use: Anoint each participant with Coven during a group gathering or ritual. Share your intentions and what you appreciate about each other. Use this time to celebrate your collective journey and support one another’s growth.

6. Lunar Eclipse Ritual:

   - Purpose: To harness the energy of a lunar eclipse for deep transformation and letting go.

   - How to Use: Apply Coven to your pulse points and third eye before the eclipse. Reflect on what you wish to release or transform during the eclipse. Write these intentions down and safely dispose of them as a symbolic act of release and renewal.

These rituals utilize Coven’s energies to align with various intentions, from personal growth to community support, enhancing the impact of your spiritual practices.

In this season of change, allow Coven to be your guide. Let its alchemy work through you, just as a coven would, reminding you that you are seen, supported, and capable of transformation.

