
  • Fearless

  • Vivacious

  • Truth

"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." — Mark Twain

Hey babes! The full moon has graced us once again, and we couldn't be more thrilled to unveil a beautiful new alchemy to our collection. This time, the cosmos gifts us with the enchanting blend of Gemini season and a Sagittarius moon. Buckle up for an exhilarating ride, because this celestial alignment brings an electrifying energy that propels us towards discovering who we are meant to be in this lifetime!

The synergy of Gemini and Sagittarius is a celestial dance of charisma, adventure, and boundless curiosity. Gemini, the social butterfly of the zodiac, encourages us to embrace our communicative and versatile selves. It's a time to engage in lively conversations, make new connections, and explore the myriad facets of our personality. Meanwhile, the Sagittarius moon, with its fiery optimism and quest for truth, beckons us to look inward, illuminating the path to our soul's deepest desires.

During this magical period, we're called to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth. Instead of seeking answers from the outside world, we turn our gaze inward, asking our souls what truly lights us up. This introspective adventure is marked by themes of adventure, optimism, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge and truth. Governed by Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance, this time is imbued with a spirit of growth, exploration, and philosophical contemplation.

**The Charismatic Energy of Gemini**

Gemini season brings a whirlwind of vibrant, communicative energy. As the sign of the twins, Gemini encourages duality and versatility. It's a time to embrace our multifaceted nature, to explore new ideas, and to engage with the world in a dynamic and curious manner. Under the influence of Gemini, we find ourselves more sociable, eager to learn, and open to new experiences. This is the perfect time to:

- Engage in stimulating conversations that ignite your mind.

- Explore new hobbies and interests that pique your curiosity.

- Reconnect with friends and family, sharing ideas and stories.

- Embrace your inner storyteller and express yourself creatively.

Gemini season is all about celebrating the art of communication and the joy of discovery. Let this energy inspire you to connect with others and with yourself on a deeper level.

**The Philosophical Depth of Sagittarius Moon**

While Gemini brings a playful and curious energy, the Sagittarius moon adds a layer of depth and philosophical reflection. Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion, encourages us to seek out the bigger picture and explore the vastness of our potential. This is a time to:

- Reflect on your life's purpose and what truly drives you.

- Embrace a spirit of adventure and take bold steps towards your dreams.

- Delve into philosophical or spiritual studies that broaden your horizons.

- Travel, either physically or through the mind, exploring new cultures and ideas.

The Sagittarius moon fills us with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and a desire to uncover the truths that lie within us. It's a time of exploration, not just of the world around us, but of our own inner landscapes.

**A Time for Self-Discovery and Growth**

The convergence of Gemini season and the Sagittarius moon creates a powerful opportunity for self-discovery and growth. This is not just about surface-level changes, but about deep, transformational journeys that align us with our true purpose. Here's how you can harness this magical energy:

1. **Set Intentions**: Use the full moon to set powerful intentions. Write down what you wish to release and what you hope to attract. Let the light of the full moon amplify your desires.

2. **Meditate and Reflect**: Spend time in quiet meditation, reflecting on your journey so far and the path ahead. What truths have you uncovered? What adventures await?

3. **Engage in Learning**: Dive into books, courses, or experiences that expand your mind. Whether it's philosophy, spirituality, or a new skill, let your curiosity guide you.

4. **Seek Adventure**: Embrace the adventurous spirit of Sagittarius. This could mean travel, trying something new, or stepping out of your comfort zone in some way.

5. **Connect with Your Tribe**: Share your journey with others. Engage in meaningful conversations, join groups that share your interests, and find your community.

** A Magical Conclusion**

As we bask in the glow of the full moon and the vibrant energy of Gemini season, intertwined with the philosophical depth of the Sagittarius moon, we are given a unique opportunity to align with our highest selves. This time is a cosmic invitation to embrace who we are meant to be, guided by the light of our soul and the wisdom of the stars.

Let this period be one of magical transformation, where you release what no longer serves you and step boldly into the adventure of self-discovery. The universe is supporting you with a spirit of growth, optimism, and endless possibilities. Embrace this magical energy, babes, and let it guide you on your journey to becoming the person you were always meant to be. The stars are your allies, and the moon your guide—let their light illuminate your path.

**Ways to tell you are not on your Divine Path**

  1. Something might feel off and you just can’t seem to put your finger on it.

  2. You need approval from others around you.

  3. Your actions go against what you believe in.

  4. You hold on to a lot of guilt.

  5. Manifestation is something that isn’t always fruitful.

**Knowing your Divine Purpose**

Uncovering your divine purpose is like turning on a radiant light within your soul, guided by a higher power—whether you call it God, the Universe, or another name. This journey brings clarity, security, and motivation.

Reflect on these questions to find your path:

- What feels natural to me?

- What comes easily to me?

- How do my loved ones describe my tendencies?

- What captivated me as a child or in school?

Consider your personality and preferences: Are you introverted or extroverted? Do you work best alone or in groups? What inspires you most?

Live authentically and trust that the Universe is on your side. Trusting over fear aligns you with your desires, creating a powerful energy.

Embracing your purpose brings well-being, meaning, and a graceful flow to life. Decisions become clear, and you effortlessly embrace each moment. Your purpose leads to accomplishments that positively impact others, bringing joy and fulfillment.

Let your divine purpose illuminate your path, guiding you with grace and wonder.

Lilac- Cleansing, creativity, love, harmony, intuition

Gardenia- Emotional healing, peace, dream work

Clear Quartz chips- Amplification, energy and clarity.

Coconut Oil- Extremely hydrating oil.


If you stuck with us for this long GOOD JOB babe!!

we would love to introduce you to DREAM. I’m sure you guessed it. She is all about finding our purpose and being able to live life outside of our fears and stop playing the what if game. She helps us relieve our anxieties, focus on the positive aspects of our lives and live in the present moment. This gorgeous lilac alchemy gives us the spontaneity to go out and find our passions, travel if we want to, it gives us the extrovert energy to jump out of our comfort zone and try new things and be vivacious.

  • This is a great oil to meditate with and use as a little bit of liquid courage.

  • Great oil for Dream work before bed to remember your dreams and right as you wake up to dream journal!

  • Goal setting and support.

Dream can assist us in mentally tough times and helps us grow into who we want to become. It’s the perfect oil to follow our seed planting in April. It exudes good fortune, luck, its full of fire energy so its perfect for anything with relationships and breaking down barriers. It is a very flirtatious oil and the lilac/gardenia combination is absolutely intoxicating so it helps in romance and fertility as well as abundance and cleansing.

Charged with Purpurite, the stone of self-expression and intuition, the oil aids in communication, relieves anxiety, and promotes acceptance and growth through one's divine path. The uplifting lilac scent enhances romance, fertility, abundance, and cleansing, fostering a positive mindset and a deeper connection with one's purpose.

We are so excited to be able to bring you such a special alchemy and we hope you enjoy yet another release! Happy Full Moon!!

Releasing Venus Day 5.31.24



